The Power Kart 500 has a top speed of 20 mph, drifting capabilities and large batteries for a longer ride time. You will be the envy of your neighbors with this cool Quad. This kart comes stock with a centrifugal clutch(automatic), twist throttle and rear disc brake. This power kart is great for kids and adults.
- Motor: 500 watt 36 volts (Three 12v Batteries)
- Charger: Included
- Throttle: Twist
- Brakes: Rear Disc
- Speed: up to 20 mph*
- Tires: 4.5 inch solid rubber
- Safety Flag: Included
- Power Kart Weight: 85 lbs
- Riding Capacity: up to 200 lbs
- Range: 10 miles per charge
This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 10 March, 2011.